Parking Guidance System


We have developed an innovation that makes it easier for drivers to find a parking space by using the SENSOR installed above the parking space.



Parking Guidance System

We have developed an innovation that makes it easier for drivers to find a parking space by using the SENSOR installed above the parking space, which detects when the car is parked, to inform drivers the number of available spaces, and to locate the spot, which help saving drivers time and energy.

Time Saving          Energy Saving          Easy to manage

Main Display (Free Lot Display)

Main display sign The entrance area of the parking building for prompting Users know how many floors there are vacant parking spaces and indicate How many parking spaces are available on each floor for the convenience of traveling?.Enter the car park without having to search for a parking space to waste your time. can see the display screen and then drive to park on an empty floor

Zone Display

The monitor at the entrance of each parking zone shows drivers where the available parking spaces are and indicates the number of spaces available in the zone. Remove stress of finding a parking space and save travel time.


● Green Light     Parking Available
● Red Light         Parking Unavailable
● Blue Light        Handicap Parking

Ultrasonic  Sensor

The innovative sensor above the parking space detects the vehicle in the parking space using ultrasonic waves that work accurately.

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