Not ready for 2D scanning yet but want the option to upgrade later? Our Voyager? 1450g (wired) and 1452g (wireless) handheld scanners let you embrace area imaging at your own pace – and in the most cost-effective way. Start with the 1D version today. Then as your data capture needs evolve, you can affordably upgrade to scan PDF and 2D barcodes too.
Product Details
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 62 mm x 169 mm x
82 mm (2.4 in x 6.6 in x 3.2 in) - Weight: 130 g (4.6 oz)
- Input Voltage: 4.0V DC to 5.5V DC
- Operating Power: 2 W (400 mA @ 5V DC)
- Standby Power: 0.45 W (90 mA @ 5V DC)
- Host System Interface: USB, Keyboard Wedge,
RS-232, IBM 46xx (RS485)
Two-dimensional (2D) barcoding is becoming the new standard in many industries. A key reason: 2D barcodes hold much more data and require less space than 1D, linear codes.
In fact, government regulations and supplier mandates are now requiring 2D barcode adoption. And businesses are also looking to leverage emerging trends that require 2D area-imaging technology – today or in the near future – without the need to purchase additional scanning hardware, or settle for reduced scanning performance.
With the Voyager 1450g (wired) and 1452g (wireless) upgradeable scanners, you can embrace area-imaging technology at your own pace, and in the most cost-effective way.
Out of the box, these omnidirectional scanners equip you to scan 1D, linear barcodes and affordably upgrade to add PDF and 2D barcode scanning – either at the time of purchase or as data capture needs evolve.
And consider this: If all you need is the ability to read linear and 2D barcodes, the Voyager 1450g and 1452g are the perfect fit. Here’s why…
Many businesses simply don’t need the extra features of a full-fledged area imager – things like advanced image capture and processing applications. Why pay for features you don’t need? That’s why we left those extras out of the 1450g and 1452g scanners.